Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Do playfulness ... Observe Set Intake Sugar, salt, and fat!

 All excess is not good. So also with the intake of sugar, salt and fat in food or drink you everyday.

Matters of food intake can not be arbitrary. If not maintained appropriate levels of safety, consumption of sugar, salt, and excess fat can increase the risk of various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, until the stroke. The problem is, we often are not aware of having crossed the line three intake consumption of these flavors.

However, ensuring healthy diet does not mean to eliminate all flavors. You simply pay attention to safe intake limit and carefully choose the type of your meal.

Limit and Set

The maximum limit of the recommended salt intake of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is 5 grams (equivalent to one teaspoon) per day. To determine this calculation, you should carefully look at the serving size in your food.

For example, one tablespoon of soy sauce contains approximately one-quarter teaspoon of salt. There are also instant noodles that the salt content in one portion even exceeds the recommended limit.

Meanwhile, the fat content is found in many foods cooked using cooking oil. For this, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia recommended limit total fat intake to about 67 grams, or the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of cooking oil.

For example, one plate of fried rice that you eat contains 25 grams of fat. If you like fried food, fried snack 3 contains even more fat, up to 28 grams. This is just the fat intake of fried foods, not including the fat intake from other foods.

What about sugar?

WHO (World Health Organization) recommended limit sugar intake to 25 grams (equivalent to 2 tablespoons) to obtain additional health benefits for adults.

Just like fat, limit the amount of intake is not only sugar that you add to the drinks, but also including the sugars contained in foods and beverages. For example, one can of soda there containing up to 30 grams of sugar, and drinks in bottles exist that contain up to 26 grams of sugar!

You can see for yourself, limit your intake of sugar, salt, and fat very easily exceeded daily. So that the intake is not excessive, it is suggested that more careful choosing food and beverage menu.

The content of salt, fat and sugar in a food and beverage products can be checked at the nutrition facts label (nutrition facts) that exist in each of the product packaging. Choose the safest for you.

No need to fear! Currently, the choice of foods low in salt and low in fat are already widely available on the market. One example, you can replace sugar with low calorie sugar Tropicana Slim.

This low-calorie sugar has a calorific value is very small, even up to 0 calories. Carefully adjust the intake of sugar, salt, and fat, means providing a healthier life.

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